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All Years
Deep Learning to Uncover Watershed Specific Characteristics in Salmon Otolith Patterns to Aid in Management of Pacific Salmon
Detection of Early Warning Signals regarding Safety Concerns of Implantable Medical Devices
Global High-Resolution Modeling: A New Lens on the Southern Ocean
Automated assessment of butterfly thermoregulatory traits from specimen images
Quantitative HIV Viral Load Monitoring Via Fluorescent Image Analysis
Challenges to Climate Adaptation Among Organic Farmers in the U.S.
Updating Open-Source Verbal Autopsy Software to Modern Python Standards
Assessing Influences of Wildfires on Park Visitation Patterns Using Gravity
Polygenic and Contextual Determinants of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
Illuminating the role of cold-pools in structuring shallow convection
What do the leaders say? Analysis of the United Nations General Debate Corpus
Investigating germline genetic influence on somatic immune traits in non-cancerous tissues
Characterizing glacial lake outburst flood hazard at a regional scale using fused InSAR-speckle tracking surface displacement time series
Investigating Structure of Social Science Research Datasets for Better ML Evaluation
Wetland Communities in the US
Characterizing the spatio-temporal evolution of marine heatwaves
The Prototype of a Cloud Store for Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data
Constructing a robust metric of peak quality for untargeted mass-spectrometry
Leveraging large satellite archives to understand the timing and distribution of global snowmelt
Patterns of COVID-19-related mis/disinformation on Twitter: themes of mis/disinformation and data visualizations
Geometry of Color: Connecting spectral topography of the central cone photoreceptor mosaic to functional limits of the human trichromatic visual system
Climate Refuge in Urban Areas: Using Spatial Data to Identify Risk and Benefit Tradeoffs
User-friendly Tools for Oceanic Plankton Image Analysis (UTOPIA)
Machine-learning-based detection of offshore earthquakes
Using Social Media to Model Backcountry Use in Rainier National Park
Detecting Wildflowers in Spectral Imagery
Climate Adaptation for Future Maize – Novel Plant Traits and New Management
Learning to See the Forest and the Trees: Using Computer Vision to Make Forest Stewardship More Accessible
Dry Thunderstorm Forecast Using Machine Learning Techniques
The Universe of International Treaties
Using Gliders to Observe Submesoscale Flows
Data analytics for demixing and decoding patterns of population neural activity underlying addiction behavior
Developing a relational database for acoustic detections and locations of baleen whales in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Automated monitoring and analysis of slow earthquake activity
British Justifications for Internment without Trial: NLP Approaches to Analyzing Government Archives
Predicting a drought with a flood of data: Evaluating the utility of data-driven approaches to seasonal hydrologic forecasts
Systems level analysis of metabolic pathways across a marine oxygen deficient zone
Deer Fear: Using Accelerometers and Video Camera Collars to Understand if Wolves Change Deer Behavior
Interactions of tropical precipitation with atmospheric circulation and energy transport
Affective state analysis of ultrasonic vocalizations in animal models of mTBI/PTSD and neuropathic pain
Predicting human-mediated vectors for invasive species from mobile technology
A network analysis of tree competition: Which tree species make the best neighbors?
Beneficial competition under rationing: evidence from food delivery service
Atmospheric particulate matter source identification using excitation emission fluorescence spectroscopy
Hitting the mark: targeting strategy development for SDSS V with a robotic fiber positioning system
Political Twitter images project summary and goals
Incubating a DREAM
Deciphering climate clues via carbon flux simulation
Experimental diffusion analysis to extract tissue structure function in the diseased brain
Discovering Marine Trophic Interaction Patterns
Monitoring Freshwater Vulnerability to Climate Change and Human Activity
Detecting Small Particles in Low-Contrast Images to Aid in Particle Tracking
3D Visualization of Prostate Cancer Using Light-Sheet Microscopy
Cloud-Enabled Tools for the Analysis of Subsea HD Camera Data
Applying Machine Learning to the Analysis of the Large-Scale Structure of Turbulence
Damage Speaks: Acoustical Monitoring Framework for Structures Subjected to Earthquakes
AralDIF: A Cloud-based Dynamic Information Framework for the Aral Sea Basin
Improved Stimulation Protocols for Sight Restoration Technologies
Target Detection for Advanced Environmental Monitoring of Marine Renewable Energy
Methods for Characterizing Human Centromeres
Developing a Workflow for Managing Large Hydrologic Spatial Datasets to Assist Water Resources Management and Research
Analysis of Large-Scale Patterns in Phytoplankton Diversity
Innovation: Evidence from Patents
Analysis of .Gov Web Archive Data
Simulating Competition in the U.S. Airline Industry
Students’ Sleep and Academic Performance
Kernel-Based Moving Object Detection
ASPASIA: Adult Service Providers and Some Incidental Addenda
Scalable Manifold Learning for Large Astronomical Survey Data
Efficient Computation on Large Spatiotemporal Network Data
Analysis of Kenya’s Routine Health Information System Data
Using Social Media Data to Identify Geographic Clustering of Anti-Vaccination Sentiments
Repeating Earthquake Detection Final Report