Category: Incubator Project
Predicting human-mediated vectors for invasive species from mobile technology
Project Lead: Julian Olden with Rachael Fricke, both UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences eScience Liaison: Spencer Wood Invasive species pose a significant threat to ecosystem health and economies of nations across the globe. Freshwater recreational fishing is the largest and growing vector for invader introductions: specifically, because angler activities entangle invasive organisms on…
A network analysis of tree competition: Which tree species make the best neighbors?
Project Lead: Stuart Ian Graham, UW Biology Department eScience Liaison: Ariel Rokem A quantitative understanding of how co-occurring tree species influence one another’s growth is required to predict how forest ecosystems will respond to climate change. Although competition with neighboring trees undoubtedly limits tree growth, the species identity of neighbors may have an important role…
Beneficial competition under rationing: evidence from food delivery service
Project Lead: Kwong-Yu Wong, UW Department of Economics eScience Liaison: Jose Hernandez Rationing is usually necessitated whenever some external constraints causing quantity of goods provided in lack of what is required (e.g. essential supplies in wartime, surgery needed, meals during peak hours etc.). In Economics literature, rationing is commonly regarded as welfare reducing because it easily…
Atmospheric particulate matter source identification using excitation emission fluorescence spectroscopy
Project Lead: Jay Rutherford, UW Department of Chemical Engineering PhD Candidate eScience Liaison: Bernease Herman Air pollution is estimated to cause 4.9 million premature deaths and result in 149 million disability adjusted life years annually.(1) 91% of the world’s population lives with air pollution levels above the World Health Organization Guidelines.(2) These facts make it the world’s largest…
Hitting the mark: targeting strategy development for SDSS V with a robotic fiber positioning system
Project Lead: Jennifer Sobeck, APOGEE-2 project manager; Michael Blanton, associate professor, Department of Physics, New York University; and Jose Sanchez Gallego, research scientist, Department of Astronomy eScience Liaisons: Jacob VanderPlas In 2020, the fifth generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-V) will undertake a 5-year spectroscopic survey of over six million objects, building on…
Political Twitter images project summary and goals
Project Leads: Nora Webb Williams, PhD Candidate, Department of Political Science; Wesley Zuidema, PhD Student, Department of Political Science; John D. Wilkerson, Professor, Department of Political Science; and Andreu Casas, Moore Sloan Research Fellow, New York University eScience Liaison: Bernease Herman How do outsider political groups use social media to mobilize supporters online? What types of social…
Incubating a DREAM
Project Leads: Christina Bandaragoda, senior research scientist, Watershed Dynamics Research Group, Civil & Environmental Engineering; Purshottam Shivraj, Data Science Master’s Student; Nicoleta Cristea, research associate, Mountain Hydrology Lab, Civil and Environmental Engineering eScience Liaisons: Amanda Tan and Rob Fatland Sparcity of temporal data in high elevations is a hurdle for every water resources researcher investigating…
Deciphering climate clues via carbon flux simulation
Project Lead: Qiaoyun Peng, Department of Atmospheric Sciences eScience Liaisons: Amanda Tan and Rob Fatland Carbon and energy exchanges between the terrestrial biosphere and the atmosphere are important drivers of the Earth’s climate system. The net carbon exchange results from a balance between ecosystem uptake (photosynthesis) and losses (respiration), which could be measured and quantified…
Experimental diffusion analysis to extract tissue structure function in the diseased brain
Project Lead: Chad Curtis, PhD student, Chemical Engineering Department eScience Liaison: Ariel Rokem One highly underrepresented, but critically needed, area of study is inflammation-mediated central nervous system (CNS) disease. Inflammation in the CNS, mediated by activated microglia and astrocytes, is implicated in the development of several neurologic disorders in both children and adults. Strategies to…
Discovering Marine Trophic Interaction Patterns
Project Lead: Wu-Jung Lee, Applied Physics Laboratory eScience Liaisons: Bernease Herman and Valentina Staneva The temporal and spatial occurrence of predator-prey interactions, and the associated biomass change across the food chain, are of central importance in the marine ecosystem. Compared to net-based sampling methods, sonar systems (echosounders) offer promising potentials for quantifying such interactions, by delivering synoptic…