Category: DSSG Project
Automatic Damage Annotation on Post-Hurricane Satellite Imagery
Project lead: Youngjun Choe, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Industrial & Systems Engineering Data scientist lead: Valentina Staneva DSSG fellows: Sean Andrew Chen, Andrew Escay, Christopher Haberland, Tessa Schneider, An Yan Project Summary: When a hurricane makes landfall, situational awareness is one of the most critical needs emergency managers face before they can respond to the event. To assess the situation and damage,…
The ‘Equity Modeler’: examining just development in Seattle
Project leads: Rachel Berney, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Urban Design and Planning and Gundula Proksch, associate professor, Department of Architecture Data scientist leads: Bernease Herman (primary) and Amanda Tan (secondary) DSSG fellows: Hillary Dawkins, Jacob Kovacs, Yahui Ma, Jacob Rich Project Summary: In the past years, Seattle has seen unprecedented population growth, record construction activity, and an increase in housing…
Can traffic sensor data detect vehicle cruising?
Project lead: Stephen Barham, data scientist, Seattle Department of Transportation Data scientist leads: Valentina Staneva (primary) and Vaughn Iverson (secondary) DSSG fellows: Brett Bejcek, Anamol Pundle, Orysya Stus, Michael Vlah Project Summary: Vehicles that have arrived at their destination but are driving around for a place to park, and for-hire and transportation network company vehicles that are queued in traffic,…
Strengthening capacities, knowledge, and data sharing platforms for sustainable development
Project leads: Matt Cooper, data manager, Vital Signs and Tabby Njunge, technical operations manager, Vital Signs Data scientist leads: Anthony Arendt (primary) and Joe Hellerstein (secondary) DSSG fellows: Cara Arizmendi, Mitchell Goist, Krista Jones, Robert Shaffer Project Summary: To meet the food security and nutrition challenges of today — with nearly one billion chronically hungry people worldwide — and tomorrow will…
Improving transit services using ORCA data
Project lead: Mark Hallenbeck, senior data science fellow, director of the Washington State Transportation Center Project mentor: Michael Wolf Data scientist leads: Jake VanderPlas (primary), Bryna Hazelton (secondary) DSSG fellows: Mayuree Binjolkar, Daniel Dylewsky, Andrew Ju, Wenhao Zhang Project Summary: Seven regional transportation agencies in the greater Puget Sound region use a common electronic fare payment system, called One Regional Card…
CrowdSensing Census: A heterogenous-based tools for estimating poverty
Project Lead: Afra Mashhadi, Bell Labs, Nokia Data Scientist Leads: Ariel Rokem (primary) and Jake VanderPlas (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Rachael Dottle, Myeong Lee, Imam Subkhan & Carlos Espino Project Goals: Household surveys and censuses, periodically conducted by National Statistical Institutes and the like, collect information describing the social and economic well being of a nation, as well as…
Global Open Sidewalks: Crating a shared open data layer and an OpenStreetMap data standard for sidewalks
Project Leads: Anat Caspi & Nick Bolten – CSE, CEE, Taskar Center Data Scientist Leads: Vaughn Iverson (primary) and Bryna Hazelton (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Thomas Disley, Meg Drouhard, Jessica Hamilton & Kaicheng Tan Project Goals: This project aimed to fill a gap we’ve identified in the availability of open data related to pedestrian walk ways and the physical environment.…
Use of ORCA data for improved transit system planning and operation
Project Leads: Mark Hallenbeck & Anat Caspi – CEE (Civil & Environmental Engineering), Taskar Center Data Scientist Leads: Bernease Herman (primary) and Anthony Arendt (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Carolina Johnson, Victoria Sass, Yiqin Shen & Sean Wang Project Goals: Seven regional transportation agencies use a common electronic fare payment system, called ORCA – One Regional Card for All. When ORCA…
Mining Online Data for Early Identification of Unsafe Food Products
Project Lead: Elaine Nsoesie, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Department of Global Health, UW Data Scientist Leads: Valentina Staneva (primary) and Joe Hellerstein (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Michael Munsell, Kiren Verma, Cynthia Vint & Kara Woo Project Goals: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 48 million people experience foodborne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000…
Assessing Community Well-being through Open Data and Social Media
Project Lead: Shelly Farnham, Third Place Technologies DSSG Fellows: Jordan Bates, Ryan Burns, Jenny Ho, Yue Zhou ALVA Students: Avery Glass, Jennifer Nino eScience Data Scientist Mentors: Bernease Herman, Bill Howe Our DSSG Fellows and ALVA students paired with Third Place Technologies to create neighborhood community report pages in the context of a hyperlocal, crowd-sourced community network. The objective was to…