Geohackweek attendees offer observations
Dozens attended the 2018 Geohackweek, which aims to foster community building, peer learning and the exploration of new data science tools in a collaborative and welcoming learning environment. We asked participants to share their thoughts on this popular annual event, and received the following responses, lightly edited. F. Patricia Medina Overall, my experience in Geohackweek was…
Dozens attend third annual Geohackweek
By Anthony Arendt, Geohackweek Co-Organizer The University of Washington’s eScience Institute hosted its third annual Geohackweek September 10 – 14, 2018. A diverse mix of over 50 participants joined us from industry, academia, government and non-profit organizations to advance our understanding of open source software tools for geoscientific research. The event was designed around the hackweek…
NIH grant awarded to develop MRI analysis
The National Institutes of Health have awarded the Diffusion MRI in Python (DIPY) project a three-year grant to facilitate the development of new methods for analysis of MRI data and dissemination of these methods through open source software. The grant, awarded through the Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience program, will fund a collaboration between researchers…
Oceanhackweek reflections
The eScience Institute hosted its inaugural Oceanhackweek Aug. 20 – 24. As the first of its kind, we were excited to discover how the participants felt about the event, and offered to publish their reflections. Three participants took us up on our offer; these are their insights, very lightly edited. ———— Rachel Jackson As an…
Institute hosts first Oceanhackweek
By Valentina Staneva, Oceanhackweek co-organizer The recent publication of a Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences article describing hackweeks as a model for data science education and collaboration was very timely: it came out just as Oceanhackweek, a new hackweek, commenced at the University of Washington. Oceanhackweek is a week-long workshop (August 20 –…
NeuroHackademy participants offer perspectives
NeuroHackademy, an event which brought together dozens of neuroscientists over a two-week period to solve problems, learn new data science techniques, and network, concluded earlier this month. Organized by Ariel Rokem, senior data scientist, and Tal Yarkoni, director of the Psychoinformatics Lab (University of Texas at Austin), the event offered tutorials and lectures on machine…
NeuroHackademy debuts successfully
By Ariel Rokem, eScience senior data scientist More than 60 neuroscientists flocked to Seattle and the UW campus during the last week of July and the first week of August to participate in a two-week conference/summer school/hackathon. This event, held for the first time under its new name “NeuroHackademy”, evolved out of Neurohackweek, an event…