Tag: Data Science for Social Good
CrowdSensing Census: A heterogenous-based tools for estimating poverty
Project Lead: Afra Mashhadi, Bell Labs, Nokia Data Scientist Leads: Ariel Rokem (primary) and Jake VanderPlas (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Rachael Dottle, Myeong Lee, Imam Subkhan & Carlos Espino Project Goals: Household surveys and censuses, periodically conducted by National Statistical Institutes and the like, collect information describing the social and economic well being of a nation, as well as…
Global Open Sidewalks: Crating a shared open data layer and an OpenStreetMap data standard for sidewalks
Project Leads: Anat Caspi & Nick Bolten – CSE, CEE, Taskar Center Data Scientist Leads: Vaughn Iverson (primary) and Bryna Hazelton (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Thomas Disley, Meg Drouhard, Jessica Hamilton & Kaicheng Tan Project Goals: This project aimed to fill a gap we’ve identified in the availability of open data related to pedestrian walk ways and the physical environment.…
Use of ORCA data for improved transit system planning and operation
Project Leads: Mark Hallenbeck & Anat Caspi – CEE (Civil & Environmental Engineering), Taskar Center Data Scientist Leads: Bernease Herman (primary) and Anthony Arendt (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Carolina Johnson, Victoria Sass, Yiqin Shen & Sean Wang Project Goals: Seven regional transportation agencies use a common electronic fare payment system, called ORCA – One Regional Card for All. When ORCA…
Mining Online Data for Early Identification of Unsafe Food Products
Project Lead: Elaine Nsoesie, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Department of Global Health, UW Data Scientist Leads: Valentina Staneva (primary) and Joe Hellerstein (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Michael Munsell, Kiren Verma, Cynthia Vint & Kara Woo Project Goals: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 48 million people experience foodborne illness, 128,000 are hospitalized and 3,000…
Meet the 2016 Data Science for Social Good fellows
By Robin Brooks Their schools, goals, specialties, countries and backgrounds vary. So what compels 16 college students to work full-time for a summer analyzing data? The eScience Institute‘s Data Science for Social Good program allows fellows the opportunity to develop new skills, learn from one another, and receive guidance from top-notch scientists on their project…
Data Science for Social Good Program kicks off
By Robin Brooks The eScience Institute’s Data Science for Social Good (DSSG) program is in full swing this summer, with fellows from eight different universities participating in four data-intensive research projects. This year’s teams are focused on urban science, with each group aiming to extract and comprehend relevant, usable information out of data from metropolitan…
Assessing Community Well-being through Open Data and Social Media
Project Lead: Shelly Farnham, Third Place Technologies DSSG Fellows: Jordan Bates, Ryan Burns, Jenny Ho, Yue Zhou ALVA Students: Avery Glass, Jennifer Nino eScience Data Scientist Mentors: Bernease Herman, Bill Howe Our DSSG Fellows and ALVA students paired with Third Place Technologies to create neighborhood community report pages in the context of a hyperlocal, crowd-sourced community network. The objective was to…
Rerouting Solutions and Expensive Ride Analysis for King County Paratransit
Project Lead: Dr. Anat Caspi, Taskar Center for Accessible Technology DSSG Fellows: Rohan Aras, Frank Fineis, Kristen Garofali, Kivan Polimis eScience Data Scientists: Joseph Hellerstein and Valentina Staneva DREU Fellow: Emily Andrulis, Cornell College Weekly The Paratransit team collaborated with King County Metro to improve operations of the Paratransit service which is an on-demand public transportation program that provides…
Predictors of Permanent Housing for Homeless Families
Project Leads: Neil Roche and Anjana Sundaram, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation DSSG Fellows: Joan Wang, Jason Portenoy, Fabliha Ibnat, Chris Suberlak ALVA Students: Cameron Holt, Xilalit Sanchez eScience Data Scientist Mentors: Ariel Rokem, Bryna Hazelton The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, together with Building Changes, have partnered with King, Pierce and Snohomish counties to make homelessness in these counties rare, brief and…
Open Sidewalk Graph for Accessible Trip Planning
Project Leads: Nick Bolten, Anat Caspi DSSG Fellows: Amir Amini, Yun Hao, Vaishnavi Ravichandran, Andre Stephens ALVA Students: Nick Krasnoselsky, Doris Layman eScience Data Scientist Mentors: Anthony Arendt, Jake Vanderplas This project is an extension of the “Hackcessible” project that was awarded top prize in this year’s “HackTheCommute” event in Seattle. Hackcessible has built an application that helps people…