eScience News

  • AralDIF: A Cloud-based Dynamic Information Framework for the Aral Sea Basin

    AralDIF: A Cloud-based Dynamic Information Framework for the Aral Sea Basin

    Project Lead: Amanda Tan, Department of Oceanography, University of Washington  eScience Liaisons: Rob Fatland, Anthony Arendt A dynamic information framework (DIF) is a decision support structure centered on earth system science models and data resources used to address policy challenges in water resources caused by population growth, socio-economic development and climate change, particularly in developing nations. This decision…

  • Improved Stimulation Protocols for Sight Restoration Technologies

    Improved Stimulation Protocols for Sight Restoration Technologies

    Project Leads: Ione Fine, Professor of Psychology, University of Washington; and Geoffrey M. Boynton, Professor of Psychology, University of Washington eScience Liaison: Ariel Rokem Our goal is to develop a neurophysiologically inspired algorithm for improved electrical stimulation protocols in patients implanted with electronic prostheses. By 2020 roughly 200 million people will suffer from retinal diseases. Electronic prostheses,…

  • Target Detection for Advanced Environmental Monitoring of Marine Renewable Energy

    Target Detection for Advanced Environmental Monitoring of Marine Renewable Energy

    Project Lead: Emma Cotter, Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington Project Collaborators: Brian Polagye, Paul Murphy  eScience Liaison: Bernease Herman It is necessary to reduce the uncertainty surrounding the environmental effects of marine renewable energy for the industry to advance. The Adaptable Monitoring Package (AMP) is an instrumentation platform for that combines sonar, cameras, and hydrophones in a centrally…

  • Methods for Characterizing Human Centromeres

    Methods for Characterizing Human Centromeres

    Project Lead: Siva Kasinathan, UW School of Medicine  eScience Liaisons: Andrew Fiore-Gartland, Bryna Hazelton Despite an explosion in DNA sequencing technology, many genome projects, including the Human Genome Project, remain fundamentally unfinished. Gaps in genome assemblies occur in regions composed of repeated sequences. Human centromeres, which are loci that ensure proper partitioning of genetic material at each cell…

  • Developing a Workflow for Managing Large Hydrologic Spatial Datasets to Assist Water Resources Management and Research

    Developing a Workflow for Managing Large Hydrologic Spatial Datasets to Assist Water Resources Management and Research

    Project Lead: Nicoleta Cristea, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington Project Collaborators: Jessica Lundquist,  Ryan Currier, Karl Lapo eScience Liaisons: Anthony Arendt, Rob Fatland Large, spatially distributed datasets have increasingly become more abundant, but there is currently no workflow that efficiently manages, analyzes and visualizes these datasets, ultimately dampening their usability and assistance in water resource management/research. Within the…

  • Mayor Murray Signs Historic Open Data Executive Order

    Mayor Murray Signs Historic Open Data Executive Order

    On February 26th, Mayor Ed Murray signed an Executive Order instituting a new open data policy for all City of Seattle departments. Bill Howe, Associate Director of the eScience Institute, noted, “The City’s leadership in instituting this transformative new policy — one that balances the need for open data with the critical sensitivities around privacy,…

  • A New Innovation Model for the 21st Century

    A New Innovation Model for the 21st Century

    eScience Institute Founding Director Ed Lazowska, Senior Data Science Fellow Tom Daniel, and other UW leaders recently wrote an article describing how the “University of Washington…can serve as a model for research institutions across the country“. They highlight four UW campus institutes that, with support from the Washington Research Foundation, are pursuing cutting-edge research in…

  • Call for Proposals – 2022 Data Science for Social Good

    Call for Proposals – 2022 Data Science for Social Good

    WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING PROJECT PROPOSALS FOR UW DSSG 2022. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT.  Program Overview The UW eScience Institute opened applications on January 4, 2022 for the eighth offering of the Data Science for Social Good (DSSG) summer program, which will run from June 13 to August 19, 2022.  This is an opportunity to…

  • Bingni Brunton awarded Sloan Fellowship for early-career research

    Bingni Brunton awarded Sloan Fellowship for early-career research

    Excerpt from James Urton, UW Today article Four faculty members at the University of Washington been awarded early-career fellowships from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The new Sloan Fellows, announced Feb. 23, include Bingni Brunton, assistant professor of biology; Christopher Laumann, assistant professor of physics; Matthew McQuinn, assistant professor of astronomy; and Emina Torlak, assistant…

  • Data Science Poster Session Draws Crowds

    Data Science Poster Session Draws Crowds

    The eScience Institute hosted a very successful and well-attended Data Science Poster and Networking Session in Mary Gates Hall Commons on February 10th, 2016. As the second (soon to be annual) event of its kind, this session drew participants from over 25 different departments and organizations from across the UW campus and beyond. Anyone engaged…