Bill Howe co-develops new WideOpen data tool
By Robin Brooks Bill Howe, associate director of the Institute, is the co-creator of WideOpen, a new tool that may “help advance open science by automatically detecting datasets that are overdue for publication”. Find the paper on the tool on PLOS Biology, and learn more about WideOpen in UW Today, Nature News, and The Scientist.
Cloud Maven website released
By Robin Brooks “We’re trying to help researchers collaborate,” said Rob Fatland, UW director of cloud and data solutions. “We’re advocating for their success. We offer options they may not realize are available to them.” added Amanda Tan, UW research computing cloud technology lead developer. The pair, who work at the eScience Institute, are the…
Fellow published in Nature Neuroscience
By Robin Brooks Ben Marwick, eScience data science fellow and member of the steering committee, has co-authored a commentary piece published May 25, 2017, in Nature Neuroscience. The article “Toward standard practices for sharing computer code and programs in neuroscience” provides tools and guidelines to follow to encourage neuroscientists to practice open science. Marwick calls the concept…
eScience Winter Incubator Program spotlight
By Robin Brooks For ten weeks over the winter 2017 quarter, the UW eScience Institute hosted its annual Winter Incubator Program, a collaborative intensive designed to connect data scientists from the Institute and domain scientists with the goal of fostering new research discoveries. Projects were selected from a pool of applications, and the work began…
David Beck appointed associate director of DIRECT program
By Robin Brooks David Beck, eScience senior data science fellow, director of research and life sciences, and research assistant professor in chemical engineering, has been promoted to associate director of the Data Intensive Research Enabling Clean Technologies (DIRECT) program. DIRECT, a UW Clean Energy Institute graduate training program in data-enabled discovery and design of advanced…