eScience News

  • What It Means To Be A Smart City

    What It Means To Be A Smart City

    Recently, Seattle Channel paid a visit to the eScience Institute to discuss our involvement in the Smart Cities Initiative.

  • Assessing Community Well-being through Open Data and Social Media

    Assessing Community Well-being through Open Data and Social Media

    Project Lead: Shelly Farnham, Third Place Technologies DSSG Fellows: Jordan Bates, Ryan Burns, Jenny Ho, Yue Zhou ALVA Students: Avery Glass, Jennifer Nino eScience Data Scientist Mentors: Bernease Herman, Bill Howe Our DSSG Fellows and ALVA students paired with Third Place Technologies to create neighborhood community report pages in the context of a hyperlocal, crowd-sourced community network. The objective was to…

  • Ben Marwick On How Computers Broke Science

    Ben Marwick On How Computers Broke Science

    eScience Data Science Fellow Ben Marwick, who is also Associate Professor of Archaeology at University of Washington, has an article published today in The Conversation about the problem that computers pose to reproducibility in science. “For most of the history of science, researchers have reported their methods in a way that enabled independent reproduction of…

  • UW to Help Lead NSF “Big Data Brain Trust”

    UW to Help Lead NSF “Big Data Brain Trust”

    The eScience Institute is pleased to announce our participation with University of Washington as one of three West Coast co-leads selected by the National Science Foundation as part of four Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs the NSF is establishing around the country. The BDRI Hubs program stems from the 2012 White House National Big Data…

  • Big Data Having Big Impact On Transportation

    A cover story in the Seattle Times highlights the positive impact University of Washington and Seattle are having in solving growing traffic problems in the Puget Sound region. The feature focuses on the numerous apps now available to help with one’s commute, along with the large amount of public and private data driving them —…

  • Urban@UW Featured in UW Today

    There’s a great feature in UW Today about Urban@UW. From the article: “There are more than 200 UW faculty members working on urban topics, […] from geographers using GIS technology to address the complexities of homelessness to data scientists working on transportation challenges to teams of researchers working on food access and Seattle’s minimum wage.…

  • IT Connect: Creating New Science with Amazon Web Services

    IT Connect: Creating New Science with Amazon Web Services

    An article out this past week in IT Connect, Creating New Science with Amazon Web Services, focuses on PhD student Charlie Manzanares’ research in economics; specifically, looking at rich data sets to determine what “airline travel and pricing [would] look like today if major carriers had not been permitted to merge.” Earlier this year, the…

  • Data Science Environment Summit 2015

    Data Science Environment Summit 2015

    This past week, data and research scientists, postdocs, faculty, and staff gathered from the University of Washington, Berkeley, New York University, and both the Moore and Sloan foundations for the annual Data Science Environment Summit. Hosted this year by UW’s eScience Institute, the gathering took place October 4th through 7th at Suncadia Resort, nestled in…

  • NextSeattle: Innovating for Urban Social Challenges

    This past weekend undergraduate students from the University of Washington participated in a multi-day “ideathon” focused on important urban issues including equity and access to public space, public transportations as a public good, youth and homelessness, and big data for social good. The program’s purpose was to help attendees develop and learn to pitch ideas…

  • eScience Fall Welcome

    Graduate students, postdocs, data scientists, faculty, and numerous others filled into the crowded seminar room at the WRF Data Science Studio yesterday afternoon for the eScience Fall Welcome. After opening remarks from eScience Director Ed Lazowska, brief presentations were made by Executive Committee member Magda Balazinska, followed by eScience’s data and research scientists, and the 2015 Joint…