Fellow collaborates on genome sequencing using cloud
By Robin Brooks eScience Data Science Fellow Rob Fatland is featured in a story on the UW Information Technology website. Fatland, UW director of cloud and data solutions, helped graduate student Timothy Durham to reduce the time spent processing his genome sequencing data, and also assisted in freeing up Durham’s department’s server resources as well. More…
Jake VanderPlas publishes Python handbook
By Robin Brooks A new book by Jake VanderPlas, eScience Insitute’s director of research in physical sciences, was published in Nov. 2016 by O’Reilly Media. The Python Data Science Handbook is a detailed guide to the most important Python tools for data science, covering IPython, Jupyter, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit-Learn, and other tools. Along with its free companion project, A…
First Geohackweek held at eScience Institute
By Robin Brooks The University of Washington’s eScience Institute hosted its first Geohackweek Nov. 14 – 18, 2016. Inspired by AstroHackWeek and Neurohackweek, the conference combined tutorials with group work (“hacks”) on computational projects in geospatial sciences. With the help of 15 instructors, the event offered training in open-source vector and raster processing, multidimensional array analysis, data visualization, remote…
eScience fellows release new music dataset
By Robin Brooks Sham Kakade, senior data science fellow, and Zaid Harchaoui, data science fellow, are part of a UW team that has developed MusicNet, a “classical music dataset … which enables machine learning algorithms to learn the features of classical music from scratch.” According to a UW press release, “MusicNet is the first publicly available large-scale…
eScience fellows co-author data analysis book
By Robin Brooks Four University of Washington instructors, including three eScience Institute fellows, have co-authored the new book Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD): Data-Driven Modeling of Complex Systems. Senior data science fellow J. Nathan Kutz (applied mathematics, physics and electrical engineering) and fellows Steven L. Brunton (mechanical engineering and applied mathematics) and Bingni W. Brunton (biology), along with Joshua L. Proctor (Institute for…
Welcoming the fall 2016 data science postdoctoral fellows
By Robin Brooks Four researchers recently joined the eScience Institute’s as Moore/Sloan Data Science and Washington Research Foundation Innovation in Data Science Postdoctoral Fellows, each from different backgrounds and departments. Michael Beyeler (neuroengineering), Yi Cao (astronomy, computer science and engineering), Eurika Kaiser (mechanical engineering, mathematics), and Dongfang Zhao (computer science, statistics) comprise the new cohort selected for…
2016 Moore-Sloan Data Science Summit
By Robin Brooks More than thirty eScience Institute staff, faculty, post-doctoral fellows and graduate students attended the 2016 Moore-Sloan Data Science Summit October 23 – 26. The summit, held in New Paltz and New York City, New York, brought together about 150 total participants to explore the fields of academic data science. The event was…
eScience Institute hosts welcome event
By Robin Brooks Over three dozen students, researchers, faculty and staff attended this year’s Fall Welcome Event, held September 27th in the WRF Data Science Studio. Ed Lazowska, founding director of the institute, delivered an overview of the services the organization provides, while data scientists provided insight into the special skills and expertise they can…
eScience Institute hosts Neurohackweek
By Robin Brooks More than 40 neuroscientists gathered at the University of Washington eScience Institute for the first-ever Neurohackweek, held Sept. 5 – 9. Inspired by AstroHackWeek and previous brainhack.org events, the week was part conference, part summer school (including tutorials on cloud computing with Amazon Web Services, image processing with open source tools, modeling…
eScience Institute fellow Zagheni wins award
By Robin Brooks eScience Institute fellow Emilio Zagheni, assistant professor of sociology, was awarded the 2016 “Trailblazer Award for Demographic Analysis” at the recent European Association for Population Studies conference. The award is conferred every two years for “outstanding achievements by an individual scholar in the development and application of the methods of demographic analysis.”…