CECI Database: Modernizing for Scale

Partners: Juliet Taylor, Dayton Allemann, and Jason Welch

SSEC Engineers: Cordero Core and Don Setiawan

Research Goals and Domain

Developed as a collaboration between early learning professionals and the University of Washington Cultivate Learning, the Coach and Educator Community Interface (CECI) is an online platform that powers professional development for early childhood educators. Coaches and educators use CECI to connect to a community of professionals, access evidence-based learning resources, and plan pathways for professional growth.

Software Problem

As the user base of CECI grows there is a need for refactoring the existing databases to support future scaling and streamlined reporting on user activities. The platform was seeking scalable and reliable data management solutions to support these evidence based practices and collaborative coaching. The existing DB structure needed to be changed from a key-value structure to a pre-designed relational structure that allowed backwards compatibility​.

Software Solution

SSEC reconfigured the CECI database with modern tools like Ibis Python API, DBML, Pydantic, SQLAlchemy, and SQLModel. These frameworks made for the successful transformation to a relational database schema. This effectively streamlined data handling and set up the system for scale​.


CECI’s improved backend database is now set up to scale from 10,000 users to 150,000 potential users who could benefit from this platform.

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