Tag: Anat Caspi
Data science team wins Husky Seed Fund Award
By Robin Brooks A team of data scientists, including Anat Caspi, data science fellow and director of the Taskar Center for Accessible Technology, Nick Bolton, former Data Science for Social Good (DSSG) project lead, ethnographer Anissa Tanweer, and former DSSG Student Fellows Jess Hamilton and Kaicheng Tan, along with collaborators from the eScience Institute, Urban@UW and Sound…
Data Science for Social Good collaboration nets WSDOT funding
By Robin Brooks A collaboration between two eScience Institute Data Science for Social Good (DSSG) project leads has resulted in a financial award which allows them to continue their work. Mark Hallenbeck, director of the Washington State Transportation Center, and Anat Caspi, director of the Taskar Center for Accessible Technology, both eScience fellows, answered questions submitted…
Global Open Sidewalks: Crating a shared open data layer and an OpenStreetMap data standard for sidewalks
Project Leads: Anat Caspi & Nick Bolten – CSE, CEE, Taskar Center Data Scientist Leads: Vaughn Iverson (primary) and Bryna Hazelton (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Thomas Disley, Meg Drouhard, Jessica Hamilton & Kaicheng Tan Project Goals: This project aimed to fill a gap we’ve identified in the availability of open data related to pedestrian walk ways and the physical environment.…
Use of ORCA data for improved transit system planning and operation
Project Leads: Mark Hallenbeck & Anat Caspi – CEE (Civil & Environmental Engineering), Taskar Center Data Scientist Leads: Bernease Herman (primary) and Anthony Arendt (secondary) DSSG Fellows: Carolina Johnson, Victoria Sass, Yiqin Shen & Sean Wang Project Goals: Seven regional transportation agencies use a common electronic fare payment system, called ORCA – One Regional Card for All. When ORCA…
Rerouting Solutions and Expensive Ride Analysis for King County Paratransit
Project Lead: Dr. Anat Caspi, Taskar Center for Accessible Technology DSSG Fellows: Rohan Aras, Frank Fineis, Kristen Garofali, Kivan Polimis eScience Data Scientists: Joseph Hellerstein and Valentina Staneva DREU Fellow: Emily Andrulis, Cornell College Weekly The Paratransit team collaborated with King County Metro to improve operations of the Paratransit service which is an on-demand public transportation program that provides…
Open Sidewalk Graph for Accessible Trip Planning
Project Leads: Nick Bolten, Anat Caspi DSSG Fellows: Amir Amini, Yun Hao, Vaishnavi Ravichandran, Andre Stephens ALVA Students: Nick Krasnoselsky, Doris Layman eScience Data Scientist Mentors: Anthony Arendt, Jake Vanderplas This project is an extension of the “Hackcessible” project that was awarded top prize in this year’s “HackTheCommute” event in Seattle. Hackcessible has built an application that helps people…