Lead Hackweek Coordinator for Community
The Lead Hackweek Coordinator for Community guides the activities of community members engaged in hackweek organization and execution. This is typically the person who contacted eScience requesting a hackweek.
- Matching the technical and scientific needs of the community to the design of the hackweek.
- Ensuring everyone involved is sufficiently resourced to carry out the work.
- Strategizing on how best to implement practices of open-source science within this community.
- Building supportive partnerships and communities of practice before, during, and after the hackweek.
Specific Activities
- Acquire funding to support hackweek activities.
- Work with the community to define the overarching goals of the hackweek.
- Build a diverse, inclusive, and equitable hackweek organizing team; recruit broadly for organizers and participants.
- Help organize and attend event planning meetings.
- Review tutorial content, evaluating meeting hackweek goals, learning objectives, and community relevance.
- Attend the hackweek and be available to assist with project and tutorial work.
- Facilitate and/or lead longer-term community efforts to build on collaborations fostered around the hackweek.