
  1. Using Data Science /
  2. Hackweeks /
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  4. Hackweek Roles /
  5. Helpers

Hackweek Helper

Hackweek helpers have knowledge of data or domain science tools and methods that they wish to share with their peers. Helpers can include eScience staff, community members and hackweek participants.


  • Helping hackweek participants move past stuck points and complete learning objectives.
  • Including all participants in the learning process.
  • Empowering learners to connect with external educational resources.

Specific Activities

  • Answer questions from participants during the teaching of tutorials.
  • Help participants access resources needed to address specific problems.
  • Host office hours to offer guidance on specific data science or domain topics.
  • Participate in project teams and assist with technical questions.
  • Offer feedback to tutorial developers based on participant experiences with the materials.