Tim Durham and Rob Fatland stand in front of a genome poster

Fellow collaborates on genome sequencing using cloud


By Robin Brooks

Tim Durham and Rob Fatland stand in front of a genome poster
Timothy Durham and Rob Fatland

eScience Data Science Fellow Rob Fatland is featured in a story on the UW Information Technology website. Fatland, UW director of cloud and data solutions, helped graduate student Timothy Durham to reduce the time spent processing his genome sequencing data, and also assisted in freeing up Durham’s department’s server resources as well.

More from the article: “Fatland said many researchers who have switched to the cloud have found that it is more cost effective for many types of computing, with costs decreasing over time. It is also extremely secure, so they don’t have to worry about losing their work. And it offers an elastic environment, easily allowing researchers to scale up their work instantly.”

Find Fatland and other data scientists’ office hours here.