Hackweek Tutorial Developers Schedule

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  4. Hackweek Tutorial Developers Schedule

Tutorial developers typically gather over the course of about eight weeks prior to a hackweek to create content and prepare for teaching. One or more of the developers will also take on the role of delivering the tutorial during the hackweek.

Training is offered in two different formats:

Group Zoom Call (everyone)
Individual Work (video training)

Below is an example eight week meeting schedule (weeks are relative to the hackweek event date at week = 0) The schedule does not include individual or team time spent preparing tutorial content:

Week Duration Title Description
-8 90 min Kick-off Meeting Create tutorial schedule outline, form tutorial teams, and get to know each other.
-7 20 min Tutorial Development Best practices, pedagogy, learning outcomes, and scoping a tutorial.
-7 20 min Technical Infrastructure Overview of Jupyter Notebooks and pushing content to our Jupyter Book.
-6 60 min Tutorial Outlining Meet with tutorial teams to scope and outline tutorial content.
-6 60 min Tutorial Report-Out Each team shares scope and outline and together we identify overlaps, ways to integrate content and decide on tutorial sequencing.
-5 variable Open Office Hours Get help with technical infrastructure and practice doing a pull request to the Jupyterbook.
-5 20 min Tutorial Development Learn ways to engage with participants and incorporate peer-learning into your lessons.
-4 60 min Tutorial Development Discuss places/ways to engage participants and incorporate interactive components.
-3 variable Open Office Hours Tutorial development help.
-2 60 min Tutorial Feedback Practice tutorial delivery and get constructive feedback from others on the organizing team.
-1 60 min Final Meeting Coordination, logistics, and final preparations.

Hackweek Activities

One or more of the tutorial developers delivers the content on the specified day, earning a . Other developer(s) usually attend to offer additional help.