Tag: West Big Data Innovation Hub
Partnerships for impact: NSF awards an additional $4M to the West Big Data Innovation Hub co-led by the UW eScience Institute
June 19, 2019 The National Science Foundation (NSF) is awarding a second round of funding for the Regional Big Data Innovation Hubs – organizations launched in 2015 to build and strengthen data science partnerships across industry, academia, nonprofits, and government to address scientific and societal challenges. Each of the hubs will receive $4 million over…
Extending data science training across the West
In partnership with the West Big Data Innovation Hub, the eScience Institute hosted a hands-on Data Carpentry Instructor Training Mar. 22 – 23 in the WRF Data Science Studio. Participant teams hailed from across the western region representing universities, government, and community organizations in Alaska, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, and California. All have now been certified…
eScience Institute co-hosts Transportation Data Challenge Launch Event
By Robin Brooks The eScience Institute and the West Big Data Innovation Hub co-hosted the National Transportation Data Challenge Launch Event, held May 2 – 3, 2017. The event drew dozens of participants in-person at the WRF Data Science Studio and the Husky Union Building Lyceum, and more via online streaming, to learn about the…