Tag: testimonials
2022 Hackweek Participant Testimonials
This year the eScience Institute hosted another summer of our hackweek programs, including the SnowEx Hackweek in July and the NeuroHackademy program in August. Hackweeks are intentionally designed to foster an environment of collaboration among participants, and include participants from around the world. Here are some reflections shared by participants in our 2022 programs: SnowEx…
Testimonials from our Summer 2021 Hackweek Programs
This year the eScience Institute hosted another summer of our hackweek programs, including OceanHackweek, SnowEx Hackweek and NeuroHackademy. The sudden shift to a remote setting in spring 2020 brought new challenges for our eScience research team, and we came away with some valuable lessons learned and ideas to incorporate into this year’s iterations of hackweeks.…
OceanHackWeek 2020 Reflections
The third annual OceanHackWeek (OHW) program was held entirely online on August 10th through 14th this year. The weeklong-program combines data exploration, peer learning and software development as participants dive into the interdisciplinary nature of oceanography, from genomics to global surface temperature. 47 OHW 2020 participants embraced Python and R, the two most widely used…