Tag: seismology
NoisePy: Ambient Field Seismology in Python
Partners Marine Denolle, Assistant Professor, UW Earth and Space Sciences Yiyu Ni, PhD Student Kuan-Fu Feng, Postdoctoral Scholar SSEC Engineers Carlos Garcia Jurado Suarez, Senior Principal Software Engineer NoisePy is a software package used to image the Earth’s subsurface and monitor its changes through time. It performs large-scale cross-correlation of time series data recorded by networks…
Offshore Geodesy: Advancing Research and Collaboration in Seafloor Deformation
Partners David Schmidt, Principal Investigator, University of Washington Dept. Of Earth and Space Sciences John DeSanto, Post Doctoral Researcher, University of Washington Dept. Of Earth and Space Sciences SSEC Engineers Don Setiawan, Senior Research Software Engineer, SSEC The Near-trench Community Geodetic Experiment, informally known as Offshore Geodesy, is a five-year NSF-funded project aimed at establishing…