Tag: remote event
Call for Presenters: UW Data Science Seminar Series 2022-23
Call for Invited Presenters – UW Data Science Seminar – University of Washington Seattle We are inviting applications for guest presenters for the UW Data Science Seminar, an annual lecture series at the University of Washington that hosts scholars working across applied areas of data science, such as the arts, engineering, humanities and sciences along with…
Python for Humanities: an Intro for Researchers
By: Louisa Gaylord Last week the eScience Institute and UW Libraries Open Scholarship Commons co-hosted a workshop called “Python, your personal research assistant” for participants studying the humanities to explore the Python programming language and how to use it as a tool to aid in qualitative humanities work. Led by eScience Technical Education Specialist Naomi…
Reflecting on a Novel Year of Virtual Hackweeks
By: Jane Koh In early March 2020, as the dimensions of the Covid-19 pandemic started to become clear, the Waterhackweek organizing team was only three weeks out from hosting its in-person event when they made the tough decision to postpone the hackweek until August. They joined several other hackweeks, all faced with the challenge of…
Academic Data Science Alliance 2020 Annual Meeting
By: Louisa Gaylord The Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA) hosted their annual meeting from October 14th through 16th, which brought together data science methodologists and domain researchers from all disciplines and career stages to share breakthroughs and new approaches in data science research and education, with a strong emphasis on responsible data science. The virtual…
OceanHackWeek 2020 Reflections
The third annual OceanHackWeek (OHW) program was held entirely online on August 10th through 14th this year. The weeklong-program combines data exploration, peer learning and software development as participants dive into the interdisciplinary nature of oceanography, from genomics to global surface temperature. 47 OHW 2020 participants embraced Python and R, the two most widely used…