Data Science Affiliates

When you become a Data Science Affiliate, you gain access to a network of data science professionals from a wide range of disciplines, both from the University of Washington and beyond. Find others who are working on similar research, or connect with people in similar roles outside your organization.


Shima Abadi
Shima Abadi
UW Mechanical Engineering
Narjes Abbasabadi
Narjes Abbasabadi
UW Architecture
Neil Abernethy
Neil Abernethy
UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
Briana Abrahms
Briana Abrahms
UW Biology
Negeen Aghassibake
Negeen Aghassibake
UW Libraries
Jon Agnone
Jon Agnone
UW Sociology
Jessamy Almquist
Jessamy Almquist
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Zach Almquist
Zach Almquist
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
Tim Althoff
Tim  Althoff
UW Computer Science
Cecilia Aragon
Cecilia Aragon
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
Sasha Aravkin
Sasha Aravkin
Data Science Fellow, UW Applied Mathematics
Ginger Armbrust
Ginger Armbrust
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Biological Oceanography
Jayadev Athreya
Jayadev Athreya
UW Mathematics and the Comparative History of Ideas
David Baker
David Baker
UW Institute for Protein Design
Magdalena Balazinska
Magdalena Balazinska
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Xuegang (Jeff) Ban
Xuegang (Jeff) Ban
UW Civil and Environmental Engineering
Christina Bandaragoda
Christina Bandaragoda
UW Freshwater Initiative
Rory Barnes
Rory Barnes
UW Astronomy
David Battisti
David Battisti
UW Atmospheric and Climate Science
Elizabeth Bedford
Elizabeth Bedford
UW Libraries
Mia Bennett
Mia Bennett
Data Science Fellow, UW Geography
Andrew Berdahl
Andrew Berdahl
UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Mira Berdahl
Mira Berdahl
UW Earth & Space Sciences
Luke Bergmann
Luke Bergmann
UW Geography
Sara Billey
Sara Billey
UW Mathematics
Jeff Bilmes
Jeff Bilmes
UW Electrical and Computer Engineering
Joshua Blumenstock
Joshua Blumenstock
UC Berkeley Information and Public Policy
Abhi Borah
Abhi Borah
INSEAD Marketing
Patrick Boyle
Patrick Boyle
UW Bioengineering
Berry Brosi
Berry Brosi
UW Biology
Bing Brunton
Bing Brunton
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Biology
Steve Brunton
Steve Brunton
Data Science Fellow, UW Mechanical Engineering
Lauren Buckley
Lauren Buckley
UW Biology
Matt Bush
Matt Bush
UW Chemistry
David Butman
David Butman
UW Civil and Environmental Engineering
Ting Cao
Ting Cao
UW Materials Science and Engineering
Anat Caspi
Anat Caspi
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Taskar Center for Accessible Technology
Laura Castillo
Laura Castillo
Gary Chan
Gary Chan
UW Biostatistics
Ali Chase
Ali Chase
UW Applied Physics Laboratory
Annie Chen
Annie Chen
UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
Cynthia Chen
Cynthia Chen
UW Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tzu-Hsin Karen Chen
Tzu-Hsin Karen Chen
UW Urban Design and Planning and Environmental Occupational Health Sciences
Yen-Chi Chen
Yen-Chi Chen
Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Alvin Cheung
Alvin Cheung
UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Youngjun Choe
Youngjun Choe
UW Industrial and Systems Engineering
Carlos Cinelli
Carlos Cinelli
UW Statistics
Trevor Cohen
Trevor Cohen
UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
Sarah Converse
Sarah Converse
UW Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Kyle Crowder
Kyle Crowder
UW Sociology
Sara Curran
Sara Curran
UW Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
Valerie Daggett
Valerie Daggett
UW Bioengineering
Dharma Dailey
Dharma Dailey
UW Bothell Computing and Software Systems
Karam Dana
Karam Dana
UW School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Tom Daniel
Tom Daniel
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Biology
Amos Darko
Amos Darko
UW Construction Management
Martine De Cock
Martine De Cock
UW Tacoma Engineering and Technology
John Delaney
John Delaney
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Oceanography
Marine Denolle
Marine Denolle
Data Science Fellow, UW Earth and Space Science
Curtis Deutsch
Curtis Deutsch
UW Marine Biology
Adrian Dobra
Adrian Dobra
UW Statistics
Mathias Drton
Mathias Drton
UW Statistics
Simon Du
Simon Du
UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Evan Eichler
Evan Eichler
UW Genome Sciences & Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Geography
Gabriel Erion Barner
Gabriel Erion Barner
UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Elena Erosheva
Elena Erosheva
UW Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences
Adrienne Fairhall
Adrienne Fairhall
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Physiology and Biophysics
Maryam Fazel
Maryam Fazel
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Institute for Foundations of Data Science
John Feo
John Feo
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Advanced Computing, Mathematics, and Data
Antonino Ferrante
Antonino Ferrante
UW Aeronautics and Astronautics
Megan Finn
Megan Finn
UW Information School
Andrew Fiore-Gartland
Andrew Fiore-Gartland
Data Science Fellow, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Abraham Flaxman
Abraham Flaxman
UW Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Kim Folger Bruce
Kim Folger Bruce
Freelance Biotechnology Consultant
Cynthia Fugate
Cynthia Fugate
UW Libraries
Reza Hosseini Ghomi
Reza Hosseini Ghomi
Frontier Psychiatry
Sean Gibbons
Sean Gibbons
Data Science Fellow, Institute for Systems Biology
Gwênlyn Glusman
Gwênlyn Glusman
Institute for Systems Biology
Steven Goodreau
Steven Goodreau
UW Anthropology
Bethany Gordon
Bethany Gordon
UW Civil & Environmental Engineering
Clemens Grassberger
Clemens Grassberger
UW Medicine
Patrick Greiner
Patrick Greiner
UW Sociology
Dan Grossman
Dan Grossman
UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Ranjini Grove
Ranjini Grove
UW Statistics
Matthew Hall
Matthew Hall
UW Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
Mark Hallenbeck
Mark Hallenbeck
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Washington State Transportation Center
Fang Han
Fang Han
UW Statistics
Zaid Harchaoui
Zaid Harchaoui
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Ramkumar Hariharan
Ramkumar Hariharan
Northeastern University Program Management
John Hartgraves
John Hartgraves
UW Public Health
Peter He
Peter He
Auburn University, Chemical Engineering
Jeff Heer
Jeff Heer
UW Computer Science and Engineering
Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez
Senior Data Science Fellow, Microsoft
Tony Hey
Tony Hey
Senior Data Science Fellow
Peter Hoff
Peter Hoff
Duke University Statistical Science
Bill Howe
Bill Howe
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Information School
Yuan Hsiao
Yuan Hsiao
UW Communications
Shih-Chieh Hsu
Shih-Chieh Hsu
UW Physics
Michelle Hu
Michelle Hu
University of Utah
Shuai Huang
Shuai Huang
UW Industrial and Systems Engineering
Daniela Huppenkothen
Daniela Huppenkothen
Data Science Fellow, UW Center for Data-Intensive Research in Astronomy and Cosmology
Phil Hurvitz
Phil Hurvitz
UW Urban Design and Planning
Zeljko Ivezic
Zeljko Ivezic
UW Astronomy
Lalit Jain
Lalit Jain
UW Foster School of Business
Kevin Jamieson
Kevin Jamieson
Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Christopher Johnson
Christopher Johnson
UW Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Mario Juric
Mario Juric
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Astronomy
Sarah Ketchley
Sarah Ketchley
UW Near Eastern Languages and Civilization
Paul Kinahan
Paul Kinahan
UW Radiology
Daniel Kirschen
Daniel Kirschen
UW Electrical and Computer Engineering
Walter Kukull
Walter Kukull
UW Epidemiology
Nathan Kutz
Nathan Kutz
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Applied Mathematics
Karima Lalani
Karima Lalani
UW School of Public Health
Karen Lavi
Karen Lavi
Microsoft Security Data Science
Randy LeVeque
Randy LeVeque
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Applied Mathematics
Aaron Lee
Aaron Lee
UW Ophthalmology
Adrian K.C. Lee
Adrian K.C. Lee
UW Speech and Hearing Sciences
Ben Lee
Ben Lee
UW Information School
Carole Lee
Carole Lee
UW Philosophy
Charlotte Lee
Charlotte Lee
UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
Hedwig (Heddy) Lee
Hedwig (Heddy) Lee
UW Sociology
Su-In Lee
Su-In Lee
Senior Data Science Fellow
Wu-Jung Lee
Wu-Jung Lee
UW Applied Physics Laboratory
Xiaosong Li
Xiaosong Li
UW Chemistry
Max Lieblich
Max Lieblich
UW Mathematics
Jonathan Liu
Jonathan Liu
UW Mechanical Engineering
Marcos Llobera
Marcos Llobera
UW Anthropology
Brandon Locke
Brandon Locke
Educopia Institute
Alex Luedtke
Alex Luedtke
UW Statistics
Andrew Lumsdaine
Andrew Lumsdaine
UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Gang Luo
Gang Luo
UW Biomedical Informatics and Medical Education
Ryan Maas
Ryan Maas
UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Parker MacCready
Parker MacCready
UW Oceanography
Jose Manuel Magallanes
Jose Manuel Magallanes
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Computational Public Policy
Benjamin Mako Hill
Benjamin Mako Hill
UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
Aaron Marburg
Aaron Marburg
UW Applied Physics Laboratory
Ben Marwick
Ben Marwick
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Anthropology
Afra Mashhadi
Afra Mashhadi
UW School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Erick Matsen
Erick Matsen
UW Genome Sciences
Tyler McCormick
Tyler McCormick
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
Matt McQuinn
Matt McQuinn
UW Astronomy
Victoria Meadows
Victoria Meadows
UW Astronomy
Marina Meila
Marina Meila
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Andrew Messamore
Andrew Messamore
Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
Joachim Meyer
Joachim Meyer
University of Utah Geography
Yara Mohajerani
Yara Mohajerani
Envai Co-founder and CEO
Elizabeth Nance
Elizabeth Nance
UW Chemical Engineering
Deveeshree Nayak
Deveeshree Nayak
UW Tacoma School of Engineering & Technology
William Noble
William Noble
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Genome Sciences
Carole Palmer
Carole Palmer
UW Information School
Juan Pampin
Juan Pampin
UW Digital Arts and Experimental Media
Micaela Parker
Micaela Parker
Senior Data Science Fellow, Academic Data Science Alliance
Savannah Partridge
Savannah Partridge
UW Radiology
Shwetak Patel
Shwetak Patel
UW Computer Science and Engineering
Saadia Pekkanen
Saadia Pekkanen
UW Jackson School of International Studies
Donald Percival
Donald Percival
UW Statistics
Ema Perkovic
Ema Perkovic
UW Department of Statistics
Dean Pettit
Dean Pettit
UW Bioengineering
Suzanne Peyer
Suzanne Peyer
UW School of Environmental and Forest Science
Jim Pfaendtner
Jim Pfaendtner
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Chemical Engineering
Nam Pho
Nam Pho
UW Research Computing
Zoran Popović
Zoran Popović
UW Center for Game Science
Lilo Pozzo
Lilo Pozzo
UW Chemical Engineering
Anna Preus
Anna Preus
Data Science Fellow, UW English
Daniel Promislow
Daniel Promislow
UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Hong Qian
Hong Qian
UW Applied Mathematics
Tom Quinn
Tom Quinn
UW Astronomy
Adrian Raftery
Adrian Raftery
UW Statistics
Aparna Ramanathan
Aparna Ramanathan
UW Medicine
Rajesh Rao
Rajesh Rao
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
David Ribes
David Ribes
UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
Tivon Rice
Tivon Rice
UW Digital Arts and Experimental Media
Thomas Richardson
Thomas Richardson
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics, Economics, Electrical Engineering
Jeff Richey
Jeff Richey
UW Oceanography
Steven Roberts
Steven Roberts
UW Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Abel Rodriguez
Abel Rodriguez
UW Statistics
Herbert Sauro
Herbert Sauro
UW Bioengineering
Jessica Scheick
Jessica Scheick
University of New Hampshire Earth Systems Research Center
Mark Scheuerell
Mark Scheuerell
UW School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Abigail Schindler
Abigail Schindler
UW Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Alessandro Maria Selvitella
Alessandro Maria Selvitella
Purdue University Data Science and Applied Statistics
Chirag Shah
Chirag Shah
UW Information School
Ben Shapiro
Ben Shapiro
UW Computer Science
Eric Shea-Brown
Eric Shea-Brown
UW Applied Mathematics
David Shean
David Shean
UW Civil and Environmental Engineering
Nora Shipp
Nora Shipp
UW Astronomy
Eli Shlizerman
Eli Shlizerman
Data Science Fellow, UW Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ali Shojaie
Ali Shojaie
UW Biostatistics
Dong Si
Dong Si
UW School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Stephan Siegel
Stephan Siegel
UW Foster School of Business
Noah Smith
Noah Smith
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Jennifer Sobeck
Jennifer Sobeck
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope System Scientist
Emma Spiro
Emma Spiro
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Information School
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
Shane Steinert-Threlkeld
UW Department of Linguistics
Kari Stephens
Kari Stephens
Data Science Fellow, UW Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
Werner Steutzle
Werner Steutzle
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Kate Stovel
Kate Stovel
Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
Carly Strasser
Carly Strasser
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Open Science
Shay Strong
Shay Strong
ICEYE Analytics
Dan Suciu
Dan Suciu
UW Computer Science and Engineering
Shijing Sun
Shijing Sun
UW Department of Mechanical Engineering
Tyler Sutterley
Tyler Sutterley
UW Polar Science Center
Armeen Taeb
Armeen Taeb
UW Statistics
Amanda Tan
Amanda Tan
Senior Data Science Fellow, Internet2
Ankur Teredesai
Ankur Teredesai
UW Computer Science and Systems
LuAnn Thompson
LuAnn Thompson
UW Oceanography
Kristen Tolle
Kristen Tolle
Senior Data Science Fellow, OPAL
Kelly Tremblay
Kelly Tremblay
Freelance PhD Coaching and Consulting
Caleb Trujillo
Caleb Trujillo
UW Bothell School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Travis Tune
Travis Tune
UW Biology
John Tuthill
John Tuthill
UW Physiology and Biophysics
Stéphanie Valleau
Stéphanie Valleau
UW Chemical Engineering
Jake VanderPlas
Jake VanderPlas
Senior Data Science Fellow, Microsoft Research
Aniruddh Vashisth
Aniruddh Vashisth
UW Mechanical Engineering
John Vidale
John Vidale
University of Southern California
Melanie Walsh
Melanie Walsh
UW Information School
Hong Wang
Hong Wang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Yinhai Wang
Yinhai Wang
UW Civil and Environmental Engineering
Samuel Wasser
Samuel Wasser
UW Center for Environmental Forensic Science
Jessica Werk
Jessica Werk
UW Astronomy
Jevin West
Jevin West
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Information School
John Wilkerson
John Wilkerson
UW Political Science
Jeffrey Wilkes
Jeffrey Wilkes
UW Physics
David Williams
David Williams
Amy Willis
Amy Willis
UW Biostatistics
Robert Jnglin Wills
Robert Jnglin Wills
UW Atmospheric Sciences
Daniela Witten
Daniela Witten
UW Biostatistics
Chelsea Wood
Chelsea Wood
UW Aquatic and Fishery Sciences
Robert Wood
Robert Wood
UW Atmospheric Sciences
Davon Woodard
Davon Woodard
UW Urban Studies
Jing Xu
Jing Xu
UW Anthropology
Tal Yarkoni
Tal Yarkoni
University of Texas at Austin Psychology
Jason Yeatman
Jason Yeatman
UW Neuroscience
Ka Yee Yeung
Ka Yee Yeung
UW Engineering and Technology
Jessica Young
Jessica Young
UW Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
Baosen Zhang
Baosen Zhang
UW Electrical Engineering
Bo Zhao
Bo Zhao
UW Geography
Christina Zhao
Christina Zhao
UW Speech and Hearing Sciences, Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences
Dongfang Zhao
Dongfang Zhao
UW Computer Science