Elliott Abe

Postdoctoral Scholar, UW Biology

My research is in the field of computational and theoretical neuroscience with a particular focus on understanding the neural underpinnings of natural behaviors. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Oregon, where I worked under the guidance of Dr. Cristopher Niell and Dr. James Murray. During this time, my research was primarily focused on developing computational and theoretical models of visual processing during natural behaviors.

My research aims to establish general principles of brain computations that can be applied across different contexts, drawing on insights and techniques from a range of disciplines including neuroscience, machine learning, and physics. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Washington, under the mentorship of Dr. Bing Brunton. There, I am continuing to explore the neural mechanisms that underlie sensory representations, motor action, and developing new methods for analyzing and interpreting neural data.