Anissa Tanweer

Senior Social Scientist

Anissa Tanweer is a Senior Social Scientist at the eScience Institute, an Affiliate Faculty member in the Department of Communication, and a sociotechnical expert for the Scientific Software Engineering Center (SSEC). She conducts ethnographic research on the practice and culture of computationally-mediated science, and applies a sociotechnical lens to the design and implementation of training programs in data-intensive academic research. Dr. Tanweer directs the UW Data Science for Social Good summer internship and ran the Data Science Studies Special Interest Group at UW from 2018-2021. Some of her recent publications include:

  • Academic data science: Transdisciplinary and extradisciplinary visions. (2024). Tanweer, A. & Steinhoff J. Social Studies of Science.
  • Data Science Ethos Lifecycle: Interplay of ethical thinking and data science practice. (2022). M. Boenig-Liptsin, A. Tanweer, A. Edmundson. Journal for Statistics and Data Science Education, 30(3).
  • Tradeoffs all the way down: Ethical abduction as a decision-making process for data-intensive technology development. (2022). A. Tanweer. Big Data & Society, 9(1).
  • Interrogating human-centered data science: Taking stock of opportunities and limitations. (2022). A. Tanweer, C. Aragon, M. Muller, S. Guha, S. Passi, G. Neff, M. Kogan. In CHI EA ’22: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts.
  • Why the data revolution needs qualitative thinking. (2021). A. Tanweer, E. K. Gade, P. M. Krafft, S. K. Dreier. Harvard Data Science Review, 3(3).

In her free time, Anissa loves exploring the stunning natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest with her husband and daughter.


  • Ethnography
  • Qualitative methods
  • Data science ethics
  • Human-centered data science