GeoSMART Workshop (fully virtual on Zoom)

The University of Washington’s eScience Institute will host a virtual workshop May 8 and 9, 2023. The purpose is to advance adoption of Machine Learning tools for geoscience applications. This work is a component of the NSF GeoSMART project.

The overall goals of the workshop are to begin preparations for a GeoSMART Hackweek to be held October 2023. Specific objectives include:

  • identifying community needs: how are different geoscience communities using ML and where are the challenge points?
  • create learning outcomes: given the community needs, what learning outcomes should inform our hackweek tutorial development?
  • hackweek scoping: at what level should educational content be presented? What do participants need to know before arriving?
  • technical infrastructure: what tools do we need to have in place for participants to effectively work with datasets?
  • community building: what is our long-term (1-3 year) strategy for fostering a ML community of practices for the geosciences?


When: Monday and Tuesday, May 8 and 9, 2023, 9 AM to 11:30 AM Pacific.

Who: Researchers and educators with interest/experience in developing ML use cases and educational tools. Participation is by invitation from the organizing committee. The workshop will include about 25 people.

What: This will be a highly interactive workshop. Please arrive ready to share ideas and engage in conversation!

Where: virtually on Zoom.


Day 1: Defining community needs and exploring educational models.

Session (duration)Description
Welcome and Context-Setting (30 min)Overview of the GeoSMART Project: curriculum + use cases + community building
Overview of ML learning needs in the geosciences (30 min)Review of pre-event survey: what patterns are emerging? What ML roadblocks can we address through training and education? Disucssing our plan for the October 2023 Hackweek.
ML Use Cases (30 min)Breakout Session: What ML Use Cases are you working on? Can we adapt these for use at the Hackweek?
BREAK (25 min)
Report-outs (30 min)What ideas emerged in the breakouts? What tutorials need to be developed to support these use cases?
Wrap-up (15 min)Summary and preparing for tomorrow!

Day 2: Planning for GeoSMART hackweek

Session (duration)Description
Welcome and Recap (30 min)Summary of the use cases we discussed: how do we transform these into projects at the hackweek?
Content development and Prototyping (45 min)Begin shaping content: build project outline, define learning outcomes and skills needed to join the project.
Discussion (15 min)What project development challenges are you running into? What is unclear?
BREAK (25 min)
ML Technical Tools (20 min)Presentation on GeoWeaver and computational tools to support ML workflows (GPUs, Jupyter ecosystem, etc).
Invitation to the organizing team (20 min)Overview of roles and schedule of activity for those who wish to engage in organizing the hackweek.
Wrap up and closing (10 min)

For more information contact Nicoleta Cristea (