UW Data Science Seminar: Lilo D. Pozzo

UW Data Science Seminar: Lilo D. Pozzo


4:30 pm – 5:20 pm


Please join us for a UW Data Science Seminar on Tuesday, November 5th from 4:30 to 5:20 p.m. PT. The seminar will feature Lilo D. Pozzo, Boeing-Roundhill Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington.

The seminar will be held in the Physics/Astronomy Auditorium (PAA), Room A118 – campus map.

AI-Driven Experiments and Open-Source Automation for Accelerated Soft Matter Research

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI), when paired with accessible laboratory automation, can greatly accelerate materials optimization and scientific discovery. For example, it can be used to efficiently map a phase-diagram with intelligent sampling along phase boundaries, or in ‘retrosynthesis’ problems where a material with a target structure is desired but a synthetic route is not known. These approaches are especially promising in soft matter systems, including block copolymer self-assembly, nanoparticle synthesis, and controlled colloidal assembly. In these systems, design parameters (e.g. chemical composition, MW, topology, processing) are vast, history-dependent metastable and ‘out-of-equilibrium’ structures are common, and functional properties are intimately tied to molecular design features and processing conditions. In addition, for AI algorithms to operate efficiently in these spaces, they must be ‘encoded’ with domain expertise specific to the problems being tackled. This talk will cover recent advances in hardware and software tools for accelerated materials research in polymeric and soft-matter systems including dispersions and colloids. Finally, it will outline remaining challenges in practical implementations and identify future opportunities for research.

Bio: Dr. Lilo Pozzo’s research interests are in the area of colloids, polymers and soft-matter systems. Pozzo obtained her B.S. from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez and her PhD in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh PA. She also worked in the NIST Center for Neutron Research as a post-doctoral fellow and is currently the Boeing-Roundhill Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Washington where she has served since 2007. She is also dedicated to improving engineering education with course development in areas of entrepreneurship and service-oriented global engagement.

The UW Data Science Seminar is an annual lecture series at the University of Washington that hosts scholars working across applied areas of data science, such as the sciences, engineering, humanities and arts along with methodological areas in data science, such as computer science, applied math and statistics. Our presenters come from all domain fields and include occasional external speakers from regional partners, governmental agencies and industry.


The 2024-2025 seminars will be held in person, and are free and open to the public.