
eScience brings together a diverse group of people who use data science tools and methods in different ways.

The eScience Institute is uniquely situated within the University of Washington to be the data science hub for students, faculty, researchers, software engineers, and community stakeholders. Some members of the eScience team are jointly located in other departments aligned with their area of study, and some of our team are entirely affiliated with eScience. Many of our programs involve outside collaborators submitting proposals of their work. What unifies us is how we utilize the latest data science tools and methods in our respective areas.

eScience acts as matchmakers who help researchers apply the most appropriate technology to help advance their work.

eScience is composed of core team of data scientists, software engineers, and administrators who keep everything running. Beyond the eScience Institute, we’ve built out a network of UW postdoctoral Fellows, data science affiliates, partners, and sponsors.

Data Science Fellows

Data Science Fellows are those who work extensively with data in their research and have collaborated with the eScience Institute on numerous projects, events, and programs. There is a nomination process to become a Data Science Fellow.


Zack Almquist
Zack Almquist
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
Naomi Alterman
Naomi Alterman
Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
Cecilia Aragon
Cecilia Aragon
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
Sasha Aravkin
Sasha Aravkin
Data Science Fellow, UW Applied Mathematics
Anthony Arendt
Anthony Arendt
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Applied Physics Laboratory
Ginger Armbrust
Ginger Armbrust
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Biological Oceanography
Magdalena Balazinska
Magdalena Balazinska
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
David Beck
David Beck
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Chemical Engineering
Mia Bennett
Mia Bennett
Data Science Fellow, UW Geography
Noah Benson
Noah Benson
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
Bing Brunton
Bing Brunton
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Biology
Steve Brunton
Steve Brunton
Data Science Fellow, UW Mechanical Engineering
Anat Caspi
Anat Caspi
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Taskar Center for Accessible Technology
Yen-Chi Chen
Yen-Chi Chen
Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Andrew Connolly
Andrew Connolly
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Astronomy
Nicoleta Cristea
Nicoleta Cristea
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Civil and Environmental Engineering
Tom Daniel
Tom Daniel
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Biology
John Delaney
John Delaney
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Oceanography
Marine Denolle
Marine Denolle
Data Science Fellow, UW Earth and Space Science
Mark Ellis
Mark Ellis
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Geography
Adrienne Fairhall
Adrienne Fairhall
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Physiology and Biophysics
Rob Fatland
Rob Fatland
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Information Technology
Maryam Fazel
Maryam Fazel
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Institute for Foundations of Data Science
Andrew Fiore-Gartland
Andrew Fiore-Gartland
Data Science Fellow, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Sean Gibbons
Sean Gibbons
Data Science Fellow, Institute for Systems Biology
Mark Hallenbeck
Mark Hallenbeck
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Washington State Transportation Center
Zaid Harchaoui
Zaid Harchaoui
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Bryna Hazelton
Bryna Hazelton
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Physics
Joseph Hellerstein
Joseph Hellerstein
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Computer Science and Engineering
Scott Henderson
Scott Henderson
Data Science Fellow, UW Earth and Space Sciences
Bernease Herman
Bernease Herman
Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
Jose Hernandez
Jose Hernandez
Senior Data Science Fellow, Microsoft
Tony Hey
Tony Hey
Senior Data Science Fellow
Bill Howe
Bill Howe
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Information School
Daniela Huppenkothen
Daniela Huppenkothen
Data Science Fellow, UW Center for Data-Intensive Research in Astronomy and Cosmology
Vaughn Iverson
Vaughn Iverson
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Oceanography
Kevin Jamieson
Kevin Jamieson
Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Mario Juric
Mario Juric
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Astronomy
Nathan Kutz
Nathan Kutz
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Applied Mathematics
Ed Lazowska
Ed Lazowska
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Randy LeVeque
Randy LeVeque
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Applied Mathematics
Su-In Lee
Su-In Lee
Senior Data Science Fellow,
Jose Manuel Magallanes
Jose Manuel Magallanes
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Computational Public Policy
Vani Mandava
Vani Mandava
Data Science Fellow, SSEC Head of Engineering
Ben Marwick
Ben Marwick
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Anthropology
Tyler McCormick
Tyler McCormick
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
Marina Meila
Marina Meila
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Andrew Messamore
Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
William Noble
William Noble
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Genome Sciences
Micaela Parker
Micaela Parker
Academic Data Science Alliance
Jim Pfaendtner
Jim Pfaendtner
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Chemical Engineering
Anna Preus
Anna Preus
Data Science Fellow, UW English
Rajesh Rao
Rajesh Rao
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Thomas Richardson
Thomas Richardson
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics, Economics, Electrical Engineering
Ariel Rokem
Ariel Rokem
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Psychology
Eli Shlizerman
Eli Shlizerman
Data Science Fellow, UW Electrical and Computer Engineering
Noah Smith
Noah Smith
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering
Emma Spiro
Emma Spiro
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Information School
Valentina Staneva
Valentina Staneva
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
Kate Starbird
Kate Starbird
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Human Centered Design and Engineering
Kari Stephens
Kari Stephens
Data Science Fellow, UW Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
Werner Steutzle
Werner Steutzle
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Statistics
Sarah Stone
Sarah Stone
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
Kate Stovel
Kate Stovel
Data Science Fellow, UW Sociology
Amanda Tan
Senior Data Science Fellow, Internet2
Anissa Tanweer
Anissa Tanweer
Data Science Fellow, UW Human-Centered Data Science
Kristen Tolle
Kristen Tolle
Senior Data Science Fellow, OPAL
Jake VanderPlas
Jake VanderPlas
Senior Data Science Fellow, Microsoft Research
Jevin West
Jevin West
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW Information School
Spencer Wood
Spencer Wood
Senior Data Science Fellow, UW College of the Environment